Octopus Man Valeria First, draw a large light bulb at the top of your paper for a head. Then draw two circular eyes where human eyes would be. Next, draw a rectangular nose where a human nose would be. Now draw a skinny, long rectangle for a mouth in the normal place. On top of his head, draw two antennas above his eyes. The are straight with a round tip. On top of his head, in between the antennas, draw a siren. He has two small ears where human ears would be. Draw a body beneath his head that is shaped like a trapezoid. On the right side of his body, draw three arms. Each arm points up, is straight, and has a round tip. (No fingers.) On the left side of his body, he has one arm with three fingers. The arm points up with the fingers pointing toward his head. Now let's color. His siren is brown. His antennas and mouth are blue. His left eye is purple, his right eye is blue. His jaw is brown. His face and nose are green. He is wearing a t-shirt that has orange, yellow, blue, green, and brown horizontal stripes. His shirt has six brown buttons down the middle. Color his arms, fingers, and ears black.