Michael Monster Michael3 My monster has light green curly hair. He has 2 eyes that are round and have lines through them. He has curvy eyebrows, which are black. He has stalk eyes sticking out of the side of his head. He has hairy ears right below his stalk eyes which are orange. He has a tan nose with a big green glob hanging from the right nostril. Half his face is brown (left) and the other side is yellow. His mouth is on the brown side of his face. He has 11 teeth (6 on top, 5 on bottom). Two teeth are black, 4 are red (from the blood of his victims), and the rest are silver (from cavities). He has bolts through his neck (which is brown). Yellow lightning bolts are sticking out of the bolts on his neck. His body is shaped like a big heart with the bottom point cut off. His body is made of 2 colors, red on the right side and blue on the left. His arms are the same color as the side they're on. The wrist part is gray. The lower part of his hand is purple. He has 3 yellow fingers on each hand. He also has a square violet patch sewn onto his right side by his heart. He has skinny legs and small feet that are all brown.