Freaky Dude BJ My monster's name is Freaky Dude. His body is a big oval shape about 12 cm high and colored a bright orange. His right arm is an upside-down L with a little circle for a hand with 3 claws (3 short lines) facing down on it. His left arm is a wide V shape with a little circle hand on it and 3 claws(3 short lines) on it. His left leg is a long backwards L with a little curl on the end. His right leg is a bit of a longer L without a curl at the end. He has a short, thin neck that is aqua-colored. His head, which is also aqua, colored looks like a side-ways triangle . The longest side of the triangle is on the top and is 10 cm long. The underside of the triangle is 7.5 cm long. His head is quite narrow with another side-ways triangle cut into the base for a mouth. He has one small green eye with a tiny black tip at the end of it. The upper side of his mouth has 4 triangle teeth and 3 teeth on the bottom jaw. A red flame is coming out of his mouth with a fork on the end.