Purplegirl DeLaNique A. Purplegirl resembles a regular girl. From her head to her toe, she is 15 cm.. Her head is a circle that is 5' cm in diameter. Her hair is purple and it comes down to her arms. Her neck is a rectangle. Her neck is half a cm tall and almost 1 cm. wide. Her shirt top is 2 ' cm. tall. The width is 1 ' cm. Her trunk (rectangle) is 3 cm put together. Put a purple dot in the middle of her stomach for a bellybutton. Her skirt is 2 cm all together .The first part is 1 cm., and it is purple .The second part is blue and it is 1 cm long. She has 2 legs that are purple. Each one is 3 ' cm long. She has one foot on each leg. They are 1 ' cm long and are purple. She has two arms, one on each side. They are like bananas. They should be almost 3 cm. They are purple. She has two eyes. They are purple. Her nose is a purple acute angle. It is half of a centimeter long ways. Her mouth is a heart without a point. It is purple. Her shirt is blue. Put a purple P in the middle. The part of the P that isn't round should have purple on each side. Written By: DeLaNique A. 5th grade