Pepperoni Pizza Girl Danielle My monster's name is Pepperoni Pizza Girl (PPG). PPG's job is to make pizzas for everyone. PPG likes kids because she is a kid. She loves to eat pizza. Whenever someone's hungry she says, 'Hello,' and makes them a pizza. She doesn't charge them any money. She is very thoughtful. PPG lives in the pizza shop. PPG has a round head and no body. Her head is divided into eight triangle slices. The two bottom slices have six black anchovies, lined up in the shape of a smiling mouth. She has two black bundles of hair, about one inch apart and about one inch tall at the top of her head. Her hair is held together by a thick, green hair scrunchie. The top two slices are full of pepperoni slices,with black dots in the middle. The pepperoni slices are red. The arms and legs are orange mushrooms. The two slices above the anchovies, on each side, have orange mushrooms in the middle of them. There is a border of orange crust around the circle. The two slices of pizza on both sides under the top two slices have two brown circle sausages on each slice. The rest of the pizza is yellow. If you ever meet her, ask her for a pizza.