Senteniel Bryan M. This monster's name is Senteniel. He eats hot lava. His enemy is volcanoes. He lives in a volcano because he can't get out. That's why he eats hot lava. He lives in volcanoes because the first one was in a volcano. He never dies. He has fire-proof skin, so it doesn't burn up. He has a dog-bone shaped body. Coming from the middle are his arms and hands made of fire. Right above the arms is a blue rope-looking thing. On the top of his body are 3 eyestalks, 3 red eyes in each green stalk. On each side of the top of the head are comet looking ears. On the face is a cantaloupe-shaped mouth with gray around the outside. Coming out of the mouth is a long, yellow tongue with blue slime coming out of it. There are wheels coming out of the bottom of the monster. It's mad it's whole life trying to get out of the volcano. It tries to eat the volcano. When a volcano erupts remember it's only a monster trying to get out. The hot lava flies out of the top because he's mad and shaking around.