Womper Mitchell S. I met this great space living monster when I was 3 years old. This creature loves to play football with his friends. The monster eats a whole bunch of things, but his favorite things are spaceships and galaxies. If there are none of them, he eats monsters that live in fire. This monster lives up in the stars, on a place called Orion's Belt. He goes to the sun to warm up. This monster does have some enemies. There are asteroids. He is so afraid of those. And those aliens are scary too! They would eat Womper. He is nice around the other monsters but starts acting up in the city. Do you want to know what the monster looks like? Well first of all, the monster's body shape is an upside down triangle. In the middle of it there is a star. The body and the star are red. On the sides of the body there are arms. Two arms are coming out of each side of the triangle. On the top of the triangle there are three heads going across the top. On the left-sided head there is a horn coming out the left side of it. The right-sided head has a horn coming out of the right part of the head. The head on the right is orange. The horn is orange also. The left head is red. The horn is also. The middle head has two horns coming out of each side. The head's color is half-orange and half-red. There are two feet coming out of the bottom of the triangle. At the bottom of the feet there are rocket boosters. The legs are red. At the end of the arms there are claws. The arms are red. This monster doesn't visit very much any more. But he has moved and I have not seen him for a long time.