Snuggles Sharea Can you draw Snuggle? I used pattern blocks to build Snuggle. You will need 2 hexagons, 12 trapezoids, 8 triangles, 4 squares, 2 rhombuses, 2 rhombus B. First put down a hexagon. Next I put down 1 upside down triangle on each side of the hexagon. Now put 1 right side up triangle on each side below the 1 upside down triangle for the head. Now for the ears, put 1 rhombus next to the triangles on each side. For the hair put 1 rhombus B on each side of the rhombuses. For the neck put 2 squares under the head touching in the middle of the hexagon. Now put one square under each one. Now for the stomach, put 6 trapezoids in a circle 1 touching the neck. Put 1 hexagon in the center. For the arms put 2 trapezoids like a hexagon on each side. Put 1 upside down trapezoid on each arm. For the legs, put 2 up side down triangles connected to my tummy, with 2 under them. Now it is time to color. My head and neck are aqua green. My ears are yellow and my hair is tan. The outer part of my tummy is magenta the inner part is red. The two inner parts on each side are orange. The rest of my arms & legs are violet (purple). On the triangles put 1 eye on each side of the hexagon. Add a smile and you are finished.