Zoldar Lucas Zoldar Do you think you can draw Zoldar? I used pattern blocks to create my monster. I used five trapezoids, one rhombus, two rhombus b`s, two squares, two triangles, two hexagons. First put a orange square for the head. Then put a red trapezoid on top of the square. After that put a orange square in the center of the trapezoid. Then put two tan rhombus b`s on each side between the square and trapezoid. Then put two upside down green triangles side by side under they bottom square. Then put a blue rhombus in between the triangles. After that put two upside down trapezoids yellow on the out side of each triangle. After that put one hexagon under each trapezoid touching the rhombus. Last put a trapezoid under each hexagon lining up the inside edges . You have built Zoldar.