Big Mouth Joleshia My monster likes apples. He talks to many different people. He is nice to children when they are nice to him. He even knows dances too and sometimes he shows dances to other people. He even told me that he is going to be nice to people now because they're not mean to him anymore. Most of all he let some of the people come over to his house for a party. He even got some cake for some people who wanted some cake because it was his friend's party. My monster looks like a circle and he has no arms. He has twelve eyes. His eyes are red circles. They have black dots in the middle. He has stick legs all around his body with circles at the ends. His legs are purple, blue, green and red on one side of his body. The rest are yellow. His teeth are white. He has braces. His braces are black. His mouth is big and oval shape. He has a red oval shape with an eye coming out of the top of his head.