Plerty Meaghan W. My monster is very fat and her belly looks really plump. She has two arms and hands. She has two feet and legs. She has 3 toes on each foot, and 5 fingers on each hand. A little bit lower than the middle of her belly there is a pouch, and in the pouch her baby is popping out. Her baby's head is a little below her mom's belly. She has a beautiful smile, nothing fancy, just a smile, a nose, and two eyes. Her ears make her stand out because they are so long. On the top of Plerty's head there is a party hat, which she was born with, and it will never come off. The hat has curved lines on it, and a little frill at the end. Plerty's body is aqua, with a few exceptions, like the pouch is light aqua, and her baby is green. Both Plerty and her baby have orange/yellow hats.