Rainbow Ronnie Meagan Rainbow Ronnie is shaped like a person. His is 7 inches tall and his body is 1 and half inches wide. His body is purple. His hair is bluish green and looks like grass. His hair is 1 and half inches wide and half an inch tall. His head is pink and shaped like a square. His head is one inch tall and one inch wide. His two eyes are connected. His pupils are blue and the rest of his eyes are red. His eyes are a half a centimeter wide and half a centimeter tall. His nose looks like a backwards 3. His nose is half a centimeter tall. His mouth is just a regular mouth. It is a curved line that looks like an upside down C. His mouth is about 1 inch long. He has one fat right arm and one skinny left arm. He has five fingers on each hand. His fat arm is a little over half an inch wide. His skinny arm is almost half an inch wide. Both his arms are about 2 inches long. He has a blue heart as a belly button with an orange spiral in the middle. The heart is half an inch long and half an inch wide. He has one fat left leg and one skinny right leg. He has feet but no toes. His legs are two and a half inches tall. The fat leg is half an inch wide and his skinny leg is half a centimeter wide.