Purple People Eater Madelyn 1. Draw a purple oval two inches wide and four inches tall for a body. 2. Draw three yellow dots for eyes. Put one on the left side at the top of the body and one on the right and one at the top of the body (in a triangle shape). 3. Draw three black dots, one on each eye. Put each dot at the bottom and to the left inside the yellow dots. 4. Draw a yellow circle for the nose. 5. Draw a red rectangle one inch long for a mouth. 6. Draw three brown straight lines on top of the body for hair. 7. Draw two purple lines sticking out of the body a little higher than the mouth for arms. They should point down diagonally. 8. Draw two yellow circles at the end of the arms for hands. 9. Draw two purple lines at the bottom of the body for legs. 10. Draw two green ovals for feet.