K-Pax Franklin My monster's name is K-Pax. My monster's head is white like a paper and the shape of a medium oval. Inside of K-Pax's head there's three black small oval eyes. On top of K-Pax's head are two gold ears on each side. K-pax's neck is on the bottom of K-Pax's head, the shape of it is a dark red rectangle. On the bottom is K-Pax's body it is a big size pink square with a green striped pentagon. K-Pax's hands are three purple triangles in each side of his body. K-Pax's legs are an upside down field goal post colored in purple. K-Pax lives in planet X far away father than planet Pluto. K-Pax likes to eat a lot of meat there is more than one variety of meat in planet X. My monster has a lot of friends his best friend is KoKoriKo. K-Pax hobby is to eat that is his favorite thing. K-pax is cool in one way playing wwwawwwa.