Unknown Gabriella You must colour in last 1. 1.Draw a big upsidedown yellow triangle ontop of the page and in the middle of the triangle put two small pink squiggly circles. 2. 2.At the end of the triangle do a long blue neck 5cm. 3. At the end of the neck do a pink semi circle. 4. At the bottom of the semi circle do four purple legs with twotoes. 5. Right ontop of the two squiggly circles in the face do a big purple round eye with a black pupil in the middle with veins around it. 6. On the right side of the semi circle do an orange devil tail. 7. Under the squiggly circles do a red circle do a red circle then do another red circle in the middle for the mouth . 8. Then do a semi circle ontop of the triangle blue. 9. Ontop of the highest semi circle do two orange feelers with one circle on each side. 10. In the highest semi circle do eight green spots. 11. On each side of the lowest semi circle do two green hands on each side with three fingers each.