Boring Boy Ivana S My monster's name is Boring Boy. The head is a baby blue square.The eye's are towards the top of the head. One is on the left and one is on the right. The shape of the eye is an oval. The color is white. The pupil is in the middle of the eye.It is a black oval. A small lavender rectangular nose is in the center of the head. A thin black line for a mouth is towards the bottom of the head. Connected to the head is a red rectangle. Its slightly larger than the head. Towards the outside of the body (on the top) there is a dark blue square. One on the left side one on the right side. At the end of the blue squares, their are 4 small dark red circles. On the bottom of the body there are four vertical rectangles. The first block is pink, the next is peach, the next is light yellow, and the last is light green. Boring Boy has one long light turquoise rectangle for the foot. It is slightly larger than the body. Boring Boy has a lot of friends,like Peace man, and Cool guy. His favorite food is pizza.