Evil Elephant Megan My monster is an elephant and is facing left and his head is turned so it's looking at you. His ears are on the sides of his head and they are red with three black lighting bolts all the way down each one. His curvy trunk is about 1 centimeter below his eyes and it has 2 black and 3 red double sideways zigzags. They are about 1 centimeter each. His eyes are about a centimeter from the top of his head and shaped like ovals. They are white with a half circle of black at the bottom. At the top of the black half circle, there is a red line. The eyes are also outlined in black. His mouth is a rectangle with 2 fangs and the rest are regular teeth. His teeth are white but outlined in thin black marker. His trunk hangs down over the middle of his mouth. His face is red and black, too, and has double sideways zigzags'but, stop the zigzags when you get to the ears. His body is a large sideways oval that is red and black with double sideways zigzags. He has 4 feet, but 2 are in front and 2 are in the back. The 2 in the back are red with black sideways lighting bolts, the 2 in front are colored like the body and the head'black and red with double sideways zigzags. He also has a tail connected to the back of its body. The tail has about a centimeter of black hair at the end and the rest is red with a black lighting bolt all the way down until you get to the black hair. That is my monster. Hope I have a good description and it wasn't too hard to draw.