Bagiluty Keven 1. His name is Bagiluty. 2. He is fat and chubby. 3. His color is between light green and dark green. 4. He has fat, normal arms and legs except for the fact that there are only four toes and fingers on each hand and foot. 5. He has a black belly button that is kind of like a spiral except it doesn't go too much in a spiral. 6. He has a red mouth. 7. He has two normal ears that kind of stick out. 8. He has brown, short hair. 9. He has eyes that stick out exactly like snail eyes except he has three. His eyes are blue. 10.He has a nose that sticks out toward his mouth, but instead of his nose being pointy or round, his nose ends with a line. I hope you have fun and that you find a way to make a monster who fits my description!!!!