Eggnog Eva 1. It has an egg shaped body that is tilted to the right while it stands on its single foot 2. It's length (the whole body plus the hair) measures two inches and a _. It's width (the body plus the arms and fingers) measures about two and a half inches 3. It has an outline of greyish blue all around the body. Inside the outlining it is all light purple or dark pink 4. It has dark purple arms and only has three fingers on each hand 5. It has three golden hairs on top of it's head that are connected. The first one is the biggest and bends to the right. The hair in the middle points upwards and is smaller than the first one. The third and last hair is still smaller than the second. This hair bends to the left. 6. It's head is it's body 7. It has one big eye that is not in the center of the body but more to the right. The eye also has an outlining and the iris is green, the pupil is black and has a little white dot inside it, not in the center but to the left. It is half an inch away from the end of the pupil. The whole eye takes up almost one half of the head (also the body) 8. It has no mouth