Ben & Friends Ben is standing in a row with his 2 friends. They are standing with Ben all the way to the right. Ben's head is a yellow square. He has 2 black square eyes that are one on top of each other in a column instead of next to each other in a row. Each eye has a white square inside. His 2 skinny red arms and 2 skinny red legs come right out of his head. He has no body. Next to Ben is Kyle. Kyle is a green circle. He has one round red eye with a yellow circle in the middle. He has a yellow rectangle mouth. His two yellow stick arms are coming right out of his head, and they are up in the air because he is shouting. He has 3 yellow fingers on each arm. He has 2 yellow stick legs that have 3 toes on the end of them. Next to Kyle is Meany. Meany looks just like Kyle, except his arms and legs are blue. Can you draw these monster friends?