Gatorzilla Zak My monster's name is Gatorzilla. His name pretty much tells what he looks like. He is dark green and is 6 inches tall. He has no hands. He is standing up and looks like a gator mixed with Godzilla. Gatorzilla has a round head and you only see one side of his head. He has large sharp teeth that are white and his head is about 2 and a half inches wide and about 1 and a half of an inch tall, his eye sticks out of his head. He has spikes on his shoulders and his arms progressively getting bigger and get to be about 3 and a half inches long and they hang to his sides. His arms get to be about 2 inches wide and start out at about 1 and a half centimeters wide. His stomach and chest are about 2 and a half inche wide and they are rectangular. His neck is about 4 fifteenths of an inch tall, and about three-quaters of an inch wide. Now you know how to draw Gatorzilla!