Iggey Heather and Margie Our monsters name is Iggey we are sending instructions on how to make him. To start let's do our head. To make the head start by making a large circle, with a smaller circle in the middle. The back-round head color is green, and inside the little circle is a blue dot we made using spray paint. Use spray paint to make the nose by using a medium sized red dot right below the eye. On the top of the head is five long blue lines. To start the body, make a little red line for a neck. From the end of the line make a medium sized square, and color it in turquoise. Then, you can start your arms. To make your right arm start with a frown shaped line. We made this using the squiggly line place. For the left arm make a straight line that slants up-word like the branches of a tree. At the end of each arm is a green mob made with the spray paint tool. Now we are ready for the legs. To make your legs start with two long, straight lines off the bottom of the body. At the end of the right leg is a small/medium-sized triangle. Color the triangle red. On the left is a small/medium sized square. Color this in orange. Now you're done with Iggey ,and you can see how crazy he is!