Ghost Trick Katie Ghost Trick Can you build Ghost Trick? I used pattern blocks to build my monster. The pattern blocks I used were 1 hexagon, 2 rhombuses, 2 rhombus bs, 4 triangles, 1 square, and 4 trapezoids. Start with a purple hexagon for a head. On top of the hexagon you need to put a pink square. On top of the square, put a red violet triangle. Under the hexagon put a violet red trapezoid. Under the trapezoid put two blue rhombus bs with a black triangle between them. Under the black triangle put a gray trapezoid. On each side of the trapezoid, put an upside down red triangle. Below the gray trapezoid, put two more trapezoids side by side. Color the one on the left green and the one on the right yellow-orange. On each side of the violet red trapezoid, draw a rhombus. Color the one on the left brown and the one on the right yellow. To make the face, draw two small rectangle eyes pointing upward and a circle for the mouth on the hexagon. Color the eyes and mouth orange. Congratulations! You built Ghost Trick.