Mary Lou Paul How do you draw a Mary Lou? He lives inside of hot dog buns on the planet of Pluto. If you accidentally eat him, he tastes like snake brains. He smells like sugar and cheese. His head is a fiery red. He has a strange taste for salami and clay. He has an upside-down triangle for a head. He has a red circle mouth with lots of fangs. He has two orange horns that curve inward over is head. He comes out on Friday the 67th of February to haunt Santa, Eddie Murphy, and Old Yeller. He drives a bright green laundry detergent box to everywhere in the city of Bofutanee. He has long arms and a brown shirt. He has green hands and big black claws. He has red legs and black hooves. He goes to a school called 5. He is in 3421st grade. If you draw him right, it should look like a Mary Lou.