Kelsey Kelsey My monster is very funny looking and I hope you have a fun time creating it from my description. My monster has a medium-sized cloud. The cloud is a pinkish-purplish color. This is my monster's hair. My monster has an oval shape head. The oval is horizontal and half of it is under the hair. The outline of the head is a lime green color but the half under the hair is the pinkish-purplish color. The inside of my monster's head is a yellow color. My monster has two, large, circle black eyes in the places that human's eyes are! The two eyes overlap the hair. Right in the middle of my monster's head, there is a small, triangle, and cobalt blue nose. My monster also has a smile the color of pinkish-reddish on his face. The smile is in the normal place that human's have their smiles. Underneath my monster's head are six lime green spider legs. That is my monster!!