Tyler's monster Tyler 1. In the top of the page about 4cm down use the circle tool to make a circle about 3cm by 3cm wide. 2. Put another circle in the circle you just made but smaller and in the top of it but about 5mm. 3. Put the little circle white and the big circle green. 4. Put a square by using the square button but make a rectangle going down about 2 inches by 2cm wide then paint it green. 5. Use the line button and draw a line about 3cm down from the square on both sides. 6. Make another line leading to the outside from the end of the line you just did on both sides but about 5mm long. 7. Draw a line again about 2cm down the square going straight out about 3cm long. 8. Then use the crayon and put the number 1 on the top of his head about 1cm long. 9. Put a little ball on the top of the number 1 using the crayon.