Dirty Dan Kyle First you make an oval for the body. Color it blue. Then you make a sideways oval head. Color it blue. Then you make another oval for the eye. Draw a gray line through the eye. Make one circle inside the eye. Color it green. The other part of the eye color it red. The other part is part is orange. Then make 32 spikes on the head. Color them brown. Then make one arm by the body. Color it blue. Make another arm out with a bucket in his hand. Color the bucket green and the arm blue. Then make a rectangle mouth. Make three fangs, two on the top and one on the bottom. Color it red. Make a beard. Color it brown. Now you make two vertical rectangles for the legs. Color them blue. Make spikes all over the legs. Make two rectangles for the feet. Color them blue. Make three ovals for the fingers. Then make two antennaes on the head. Color them gray. Then make two upside down sideways rectangles. Now you have my monster.