Rehim Grace and Shiloh Have you ever giggled and giggled? Well, we would like to tell you about a monster who makes you giggle. Its name is Rehim. Rehim is octagonal shaped. It is half girl and half boy. It is divided horizontally. First we will introduce the girl half. Her half is pink. At the top of her head is a ponytail. A little lower is a green arm. The hand is holding an orange bag, is on her hip and has red fingernails. Below the purse ia a big ear with a red flower-shaped earring. Her foot is at the bottom or her body. It is purple with pink toenails. Her eye is close to the top of her shape. It is small and red with a black pupil smack in the middle. There are black eyelashes at the top of her eye. Her nose is an upside down half of a heart. Her lips are red, pretty-girl lips. Now we will introduce the boy half. The boy half is green, and at the top of his head there are thirteen gray little hairs. A little lower is a flexing pink arm. A little lower then the arm is a tan ear with a loopy orange earring. Below that is a purple foot with gray claws. Above that is an orange zigzag frowning mouth. Up above the frowning mouth is a curly moustache. A tiny bit above that is the other part of the upside down heart. Right above that is a big eye with a black pupil right smack in the center and black lashes on the bottom of the eye. Sticking out of the very top of the center of the top side of the octogon is a piggy tail.