Captain Smash Andr� + Brenden 1. He is made of a small red circle for a head. 2.DO NOT MAKE A BODY. 3.He has small dark yellow horns on top of his circle head. 4.He has two orange-red arms and two orange-red legs the shape of pickles. (arms on either side of circle head, legs on bottom.) 5.He has three yellow claws as fingers and toes. 6.He is holding a black trident with three blue blades on top. In his left hand. 7.He has two eye brows, a small nose and a grin on his face. (in the right places.) 8.His eyes are mean looking. (his left eye is bigger and has a cross for a pupil.) (with aqua-green diagonally one way and green the other way.) (also diagonal.)