The Wacky Shadow Robert First start with a box. The Box is a rectangle. The top edge is longer then the side edge. Its eyes are 2D dice. The left eye Has 2 dots is going diagonal from the top left to the bottom right. The other eye has 5 dots. The 5 dotted eye is the exact way you would see it on a real dice. The eye with 2 dots is on the top left. The other dice is on the top right. The dice is gray & the dots are black. The body(box / rectangle) is black. His mouth is blue. His mouth is a triangle. He has no ears just a black box. The top tip is pointing down. Not too much down, just a little down. His hair starts in the middle & goes a little bit (about 1 cm. up & 3 quarters right)to the top right. Then it goes a little bit down (diagonal). Then it goes down to the middle not to the starting point. Now draw 1 line from the top right to the bottom left. Then draw another line exactly like the other line on a bit to the left. The left space in the hair is Dark purple. The middle space is purple. & the last space is light purple. He has a cape Pointing to the bottom right. & there is also 3 stripes in the cape. The top space is dark blue. The next one (going down) is gray. & it starts all over again until you run out of spaces. Now lets start on the arms & legs. The left arm is pointing to the bottom left, & the color is light brown. That is exactly the same as the left leg. The right leg is gray, going down diagonaly right. Then the leg bends right. The right arm is pointing right,then it bends so that now it is pointing up. The right arm is gray.