Dolly Ashley Let me tell you about Dolly. She is a monster that is pretty much all head, eyes, mouth and feet. Her head is a pink, large circle. Dolly's eyes are close together, and they are large, round eyes with black pupils looking down with a blue iris. The red, smiling mouth has two yellow outlined teeth sticking out in the middle of the lips. The nose is green and right under the eyes. She has five black eyelashes on the top of each eye. The monster has orange small shoes. The right one is pointing right and the left one is pointing left. There are five blonde squiggly hairs on Dolly's head. Last, but not least, dolly has purple, straight arms pointing slightly upward with three fingers at the end. See if you can draw Dolly. Dolly is a beautiful monster. This monster is a microscopic monster. She lives on Luna Land with her cousins, Rolly, Molly and Ollie.