PoPo Adam His name is PoPo. He is a menace to society. Nothing can stop him. Once you look into his eye, you are turned into a green ball of fuzz, temporarily. PoPo has the basic shape of a human, except he is very tall and muscular. He is hairy all over except for on his hands and feet. He has a large single eye in the middle of his face that has a green slit in the middle going up and down. He has a wide-open mouth showing all of his white, flat teeth under the eye. PoPo is green all over except for his hands and his feet that are pink. He has three fingered hands and his feet have some hair on them. PoPo has four friends. PhsyPig, Elbirroh Rodo, Ssenbmud and Amazadi. His enemies are anything with one eye that isn't PhsyPig or himself. He eats almost anything including chalk, pink fuzz balls and pumpkin stems. Beware of PoPo!