Mrs. M & M Iris My monster is tasty and crunchy. Its body is round and a little smaller than a basketball. It's rainbow striped, and the stripes are about an inch wide. It is one rainbow and has brown around the edge. It has two eyes like ours, and they have 'M's in them. Its nose is an 'M.' It has six buttons on the monster's left. The first button says 'yellow' and is yellow. The second button says 'green' and is green. The third button says 'blue' and is blue. The fourth button says 'brown' and is brown. The fifth button is red and says 'red.' The last button is orange and says 'orange.' The arms are little and have four fingers. They also have little straight legs with little circular red shoes, and the arms and legs are tan. It has bright red lips that look like potato-head lips. It also has two buttons on the monster's right. One says 'small,' and the other says 'big,' and they are both red.