Cheeseball Haley Hi! I wanted to introduce you to my monster. Her name is Cheeseball. This monster reminds me of a flat ball with a crown on the top of its head. The head (which is actually the whole monster) is four cm long and five cm wide. It is yellow and has orange dots on it that are one-half of a centimeter. The two eyes are one cm long and are swirled, but are connected. The eyes are light blue around the swirl, and dark blue inside it. The mouth is pink and it's one cm long. The pink mouth is open. The crown on top of its head is orange. It is made of three triangles lined up together. The arms and hands are facing the body. They look like chicken feet. They are orange, two cm long, and have only three fingers. One arm is a half of a centimeter longer than the other one. The body is still part of the head. On the body there are wings that are yellow. These wings have orange dots that are one cm long. Six of the dots are a half of one cm. Two of the dots are only a quarter of a centimeter. The body, arms, mouth, eyes, and crown are outlined with black. But, the wings aren't outlined in black. Its body is dark yellow. The dots and arms are dark orange. Cheeseball has no legs because it has wings to float her up and there is no tail. Just to remind you, its body is round.