Flower Spike Clops Misha Flower Spike Clops This spiky figure is amazing. It has a stem and two leaves pointing up coming out of a stem, the stem and the leaves are both regular green. Make the stem 2 cm tall and draw an oval at the top. (Don't make the oval to big), horizontally it is 3 cm. and vertically it is 2.3 cm. Draw an eyelid which is 2.5 cm to the right, 0.8 cm down. Draw spikes around the oval. Next draw more spikes in-between the other spikes and do this one more time. Draw more spikes again but not in-between it, make it bigger and make more spikes in-between the other spikes and do this again. In the oval make a half a circle on the right side and make another circle inside it. Color the outside spikes yellow and the inner spikes orange. Color the eyelid peach and the eyeball yellow. Color the pupil black then leave a little white line making a half an oval color the little circle white. You're done!!!