Selkcip Amanda F. Let me tell you about the Selkcip. My monster is not the best bud you would want to have. Selkcip has very few enemies. I will tell them to you. He hates vegetables and other monsters. The Selkcip lives in pickle jars. He is so small that you can't see him. Don't even try to look in your pickle jar. This monster has different colors on him. Here is what Selkcip looks like. He has a green body. It looks like a pickle without lumps. Selkcip has four eyes and they look like they are staring at you. The eyes are attached to thick, red stems that curve up coming out of his head. There are two stems with eyes on each side near the top of his body. Selkcip has peachy-pink eyes with a black center. He has an almond shaped mouth in the middle of his body. In his mouth he has 11 yellow shark like teeth on the top. He has a red tongue. His throat is pink. At the end of his tongue he has purple slime dripping. Selkcip has wobbly legs that are a green 'gray. His hands are wobbly also and he has four fingers . His hands and arms are light brown. Selkcip has a weird personality. He travels through houses and he takes a pickle with him in case he gets hungry. He does not leave tracks that are visible to see. But, if you go on your knees you might smell pickle juice. Selkcip eats pickles and grapes and cherries that are why his tongue is purple and red. In conclusion, my monster might be cool. It might be gross. I hope that this will not be hard to draw. Oh wait you can spell Selkcip backwards you might know more about him.