Ssenipahnu Karen B. The Ssenipahnu is a very unique creature. Unlike most monsters you've probably heard of, the Ssenipahnu is neither good nor bad and is not the cause of anything. This peculiar tiny critter will dwell in the depths of ones eyeball or in a rain cloud. Then, it will fall out of the clouds or in a person's tears like water droplets. Once on the ground, the Ssenipahnu will feed on slugs and fungus. This odd creature is almost immortal with only two death threats, the Ssenipah (another monster) and being in tears of joy. If you would like to know what this microscopic beast looks like, you may follow this description to draw a picture of the Ssenipahnu. The Ssenipahnu's body is a large dark blue teardrop shape with one orange horn protruding from each side at the top. A little below these horns, inside the body are two long white, oval eyes. Both have a long black pupil inside. Beneath each of the Ssenipahnu's eyes are two purple tears, both about half the size of the eyes. Directly below the tears is one pink upside-down heart, which happens to be the Ssenipahnu's nose. Protruding from the outside of the body are two green arms that end in circular green hands. There is one arm on the right side of the body, and the other is on the left. In the center of the Ssenipahnu's body, is a black half circle mouth with the flat part on the bottom. Coming out of the mouth, is a long red tongue that gets skinnier at the end. At the bottom of the body, are two wavy light blue legs that end in puddle like feet. The foot on the right points right and the foot on the left points left. You might be wondering where the Ssenipahnu's odd name came from. You most likely will find the meaning of the Ssenipahnu's curious name by arranging the letters opposite of the way they are written.