Zool Levi A. Zool lives on mars. He comes from Jupider where he gerw up. He and his familey live on the moon. Some day he 's going to come to the Earth and destroy it. He eats people, cars, witches and animals he has lazers that shoot from his eye and he has fier stars they are yellow, orange ,green and purple. He can slime you to death and drop star bomes . They are purple with yellow stars inside. He is every were. so beware because he could get you when you are driving to school with your mom in the car. He couled also get you in the house. Beware he is rely ready to get you. My monster is a star he has five points ok, start at the bottom two of the Pointe of the Pointe are located in the middle of the bottom the points are 3 inches apart they touch the bottom of the page. They go all the way to the mittle and do two more points they touch both sides and the n draw one on top mackit touch the top. HoNow draw the mouth in the mitle of the star. Draw a ovle for the moth with 6or7 teeth there is a tong szticking out and as slime on it .On the top the star at the point on the side draw to lines out and up and on the top dawn circle and those will be the eye. Do the same on the other side he is all black. Tung is red the slime is green.