Mumpster Jake S. The Mumpster carries the diseases, well, let's not tell you that right now, let's tell you this. The mumpster lives in noses, ears and other parts of the human body. Mumpster loves to eat the nasty burgers in your nose and eat your earwax to. So when you have a runny nose you have a mumpster in your nose. When you have an earache you have a mumpster in your ear. The mumpster eats flesh. That causes your skin to peal .He or she loves to eat your hair roots. That causes your hair to fall out. The mumpsters enemy is the hampsteratric. The hampsteratric have been enemies for 9,075,884,645,474,352,980,763,876 centuries. In monsters years that is a long time. Even longer then human years. Mumpsters behavior is he or she loves to eat little boys and girls that don't get there work done in class. O.K. now let's talk about the disease mumpster carries and the looks. The disease mumpster carries is the mumps .The mumpster looks are a pear shaped body, two hand things that hold his eyes but he also has one eye just above the almond shape mouth with five to ten yellow teeth between the octopus like arms and on the bottom of the pear shape is a trapezoid and in the middle of the trapezoid are the letters MM . So just remember, when you have the mumps call the mumpster busters.