The 7-Eyed Blarg Alex The 7-Eyed Blarg The 7-Eyed Blarg lives in the southern regions of South America. It floats around, looking for its prey, the Carrion Crawler. It lives a long life of about 45 years. It sheds it's skin about every 5 years and usually dies of old age because nobody knows about the 7-Eyed Blarg. The 7-Eyed Blarg is a large head that floats along, scaring everyone around it. It has 7 beady eyes all around its head that stare into your soul. It has one big nose in the middle of its face. It has 2 short pointy ears at the top of its head. It has creepy blue lips and a long, wide, red tongue with green slime dripping from it. blah blah blah