Claw cassie claw has a square head with 1 triangle coming out of the right side and 1 on the left side, he has 2 anteners coming out of the top of his head each with one eye ball on the end,on the middle of his face he has an eye ball,his mouth is a line with white fangs,he has a small green neck, the shape of his shirt is a house but the top of the roof is cut off,he has a long arm coming out of the right side with a claw on the end in the middle of the arm there is another one on each end there is a claw and the same thing on the left,he has one leg, the top of it is a small rectangle on the end of it there is a semi- circle on the right side of the semi-circle there is 2 blue triangles and the same on the other side the anteners are purple the shirt is red his body is green his mouth is red his ears are blue his claws are black.