Cutie Kajal 1.Draw a big red hexigon under it draw a small purple hexigon. 2.On the 2 sides of the big hexigons draw 2 gray diamonds. 3.In the big hexigon draw a yellow smily faced circle with little magenta circles for eyes and a nose and a smile. 4.Draw a light magenta sideway diamond inside the small hexigon. 5.Under the small hexigon draw a blue hair. 6.In the square draw little magenta circles for eyes a nose and a smile. 7.On the sides of the square draw a brown trapizoid. 8.In the trapizoid draw a light pink triangle. 9.In the triangle connect the sides and in all the sides draw a little magenta lines. 10. under the square draw a little aqua circle. 11.Under the circle draw a small peach triangle and conect the corners.