Dental Tooth Monster The head is green. It has two ears. There is one black earing on the left ear. It has a red mouth. There is a black buzz cut down to the ear. My nose is blue and it's in the middle.On the right side there is short purple hair with a trail of black dots. On the bottom of the mouth there are four blue teeth. In the middle of the neck there is a blue square. The out lining of the neck is green. On the left side of the body there is a black leather jacket with fringe on the side of the arm. On the jacket there are three dark blue pockets. The left leg has blue jeans and three pockets. The left shoe is blue with black laces.The right side of the body has a pink tutu. My leggings are purple. My high heel shoes are the same color as my leggings. I have a black buckle across my shoe. The background is red. And that is my description.