Bob R.P. My dragon is horizontal lying down. He is very fierce! His overall colour is light and dark red. But other colours on my dragon include: orange and black. One of my dragon's ears is pointing Northwest. It's ear colour is dark red and they are very large. My dragon's other ear is directed Northeast.It's ear colour is dark red and his ear is large. His eyebrows are black, rainbow shaped, and medium sized. He has big,blue eyes that are fierce looking. My dragon's head and nose are directed Northeast.The head is narrow, dark red and large. His nose is orange,pointy, and very large. The small nostrils of my dragon are black, and facing North. The dragon's large mouth is red and breathes out fire. My dragon's teeth are big, black, and facing North. It has two medium sized arms that are orange and pointing Southwest. The claws for my dragon's two arms are orange, very sharp and directed Southwest. My dragon's body is long. It has no scales, and it is coloured light red and directed East. It's wing is red and orange, points Southeast. Its wing is medium size. My dragon's tail is long, light red, pointy, and curves. It is facing East and it is wide. His spikes are coloured orange, that has a black outline. They are very large. My dragon's leg is coloured orange and light red. It points Southwest. It is narrow, and short. Finally, his claws for his leg are orange, sharp, small, and directed Southwest.