Colorful Three Eyes Alanna & Andrea 1. He has an oval head that is colored in orange with a zigzaggy, purple mouth. 2. It has blue pointy hair with three antennae. 3. On top of each antenna is an eye; the first is a circle colored in black, the second is a circle with the top half colored in purple and a dot in the bottom half, and the third is the same as the first. 4. It has a black upside down triangle nose. 5. It has six whiskers, three on each side: on the right there is green on the top, blue in the middle and pink on the bottom. On the left there is red on the top, orange in the middle and yellow on the bottom. 6. He has a normal person's body except that he has two purple arms on each side. The top part of his body is colored in purple and he bottom is blue. 7. He has red and green striped wings and big, round dark green feet.