Fang Joelle My monster's name is Fang. Her head is a small purple circle. Her eyes are on the left side of her head, they are red squares. She has 1red square nose. It it is located in the middle of her head. She has 1 mouth. It is a red line with 2 red fangs. Her mouth's on the lower right. She has 2 ears. One is a circle and the other is an oval. The circle shaped ear is on right, and the oval shaped ear is on the left. Her ears are connected to her head by small lines, they are purple. Her ears are on the top of her head. Her violet colored body is going sideways, and is connected to her head by a straight red line. Her neck connects at the lower right of her head. She has 8 medium blue circles on her body. She has 2 purple legs. Her legs are shaped liked ovals going up and down. Short red lines connect them to her body. Her legs are a violet color. By Joelle