Mr. Purple Shey My monster's name is Mr. Purple. His head is a circle, it's medium, and purple. He has no neck, and no eyes, but he has one small hole for his mouth, it's black. His mouth is near the bottom of the circle. He has a rectangle for a body. It is light blue, and it is about an inch and a half tall, and an inch wide. The body it is going up and down. He has 2 arms. One on each side of his body, in the middle. They are blue rectangles, they are going left to right. They are about 1 inch long. The left arm is about a ' an inch wide, a little wider than the right. He has four legs, they are tall rectangles. They are about two periods wide and 1 and a half-inch long. They go in a pattern. It goes red, blue, then there is a space, it's about three periods wide, then red, blue. By, Shey