Dragon Beetle Michael DRAGON-BEETLE My monster is Dragon Beetle. He has two horns that are spiked that are on his head, and has a black mask and a mouth full of sharp teeth and diamond shaped eyes with triangle shapes over both his eyes. The neck is like ours, but buffer, with two veins in each side and he has three spikes on both sides of his back with white webbing with green polka dots on the webbing between the spikes . He has a tail like a dragon with a claw at the end,he has muscled arms, his shoulders have one spike sticking out, and he has a muscled chest with a six pack and on the right side he has two triangles that are blue pointing down and the right and are red triangles pointing up and on the left has three scars on his left chest. He's a monster from cyclo and he's the fiercest predator. He preys on leaf elfs. That is my monster.