MR.SPOT THE MAGICIAN Stephanie and Maggie Hi my name is MR.SPOT THE MAGICIAN. I'm magical, rude, powerful, tough, enormous, mean, and angry. Let me tell you about myself . As you know, I am a Magician. I live in Tennessee. I am as big as an elephant. I have a long tail with dark Purple spikes on it. I am much tougher than you think I am. I can get as angry as a lion if I want to. My hat and coat are yellow with blue stars. I am not the fastest animal in the world, but I want to be .I'm the most bad luck monster you can ever meet. So DON'T get by me. I am light green with light purple spots. I have a wand and a really good looking bow tie. Well, I think ! My eyes are one big eye with five tiny eyes on top the big eye. My teeth are very sharp. I have red horns by my hat.