Wing Star Elizabeth The monster's head is a star that is colored yellow. The star is about two inches acrossed and two inches from top to bottom. Starting from the bottom of the star, draw a blue squiggly line that is about three inches long. At the bottom of blue line is an upside-down heart that is red-violet. The entire heart is colored in red-violet. He has green toes that are on the curved portion of the upside-down heart. In the middle of his squiggly body, he has a wing on each side of his body. The wings are in the shape of a cresent moon with the curved parts of the wings facing up to his head. The wings are colored purple. On his face, he has two purple slits as eyes, which are about a half inch long each. They go up and down. Over each eye, is an upside-down, purple smile-these are eyebrows. He has no nose. His smile looks like a U with two small U's on each end of the smile. Each of these U's are just single lines. The smile is made with the color purple.